Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Briefs, No Boxers

Today's post will be short and sweet.

(I know, you're all aghast, aren't ya? Usually I yammer on and on and on until sticking a pencil in yer eyes seems like a good idea.)

I volunteered in the boy-child's school this morning, and in about an hour, have to have lunch with a potential new co-worker. Coupla the guys and I will be grilling him happily over lunch at national chain restaurant, then squealing on his responses to the boss when we get back. Then it's a short afternoon of projects, then kid-stuff, dinner, bedtime, then Mona-Momma collapsing. And after last night's marathon of hot steamy love with Sergei, I have a wee bit (okay, a hellova big) crick in my neck. Not that I'm complaining in the least! And, once again, tantric sex? Oh yes. Try it.

One thing I want to give you today to play with, you may have seen it before but it's a fun way to whittle down your day. This is WordCount. Apparently some really bored folks gathered together samples of articles and such and recorded the frequency that words appeared (from something called the British National Corpus, which sounds like a fancy-schmancy funeral home to me). Most popular word? "the". Least popular word? "conquistador". It also has sex words and swear words and is just about as fun as learning how to say 'fuck' in sign language. Get past the first screen, do Launch WordCount, and key in the word you want to see. It'll show you the ranking in the list of 86,800 words. (One word of warning, though...once you get to the search screen for words, it won't let you use the Browser Back button to get to my blog, it's stays stuck there. Sucks. Somebody should kick their collective ass for being such a killjoy.)

Let me know if you find anything interesting, or two words together that make a surprising band name or something.

Enjoy your day!


At 1:44 PM, Blogger jo(e) said...

Damn. I thought this was going to be a post about men's underwear. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Sergei C. said...

Sorry about the neck, hon. Maybe I should have you stretch out a bit beforehand . . .

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Mona Buonanotte said...

jo(e): Sorry I disappointed, but what a great idea for tomorrow's post! Stay tuned!

Sergei: Thanks, hon, my own fault, really. Guess I have to do 'that' more often so my neck muscles are used to the contortions...!

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Pisser said...

I dunno about Tantric sex. Doesn't it involve a lot of looking into each others' eyes, and breathing, and Sting, and shit...?

I dunno if I can do all that.

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Pisser said...

(I am not that coordinated.)

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Mona Buonanotte said...

Cecil B: I believe you spelled it correctly, but apparently most mainstream publications don't use the word. Pity, that. It's such a GOOD word.

Pisser: Probably "real" tantric sex is what you described. I'm just calling it that for lack of a better word. When I came for the 18th time, and Sergei was still ready to go for more, I'dv called it "chocolate pudding" if it made sense. (Hmmm...chocolate pudding...Sergei...I have an idea.)


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