Monday, June 23, 2008

I’m NSFW today…George Carlin RIP

George Carlin is dead. Which doesn’t even seem possible. More to the point, it pisses me off.

I was just a kid when I first heard of his Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television (shitpissfuckcuntcocksuckermotherfuckertits). But back then, I never heard the words. My friends didn’t know them either, and the older kids would just smirk and sneer at us, knowing The Big Secret. All we knew was that some guy was Saying Bad Things…on a record album…and parents everywhere were pissed.

I, of course, thought it was great. Especially when I heard what those words were.

Carlin was the first guy I heard of in my young life to challenge society, to take umbrage against our so-called morality and put a mirror up to our daily lives and what we’re really like. He was A Guy In My Corner, a guy who said what he thought…hell, he said what a lot of people thought…and made us see our crazy societal norms with wit and logic and humour. He turned us on, he wasn't scared. Of course there were others before him and others after him. But for me, Carlin was IT. He was a master with language and symbolized the liberal 70s that I grew up in. He was a god. I thought he’d live forever.

George Carlin died yesterday of heart problems.

I’m profoundly sad. And uneasy. Who’s gonna replace him? Am I fuckin’ out of my mind to think anyone can? Was he just The Right Guy At The Right Time, and that crazy, open-minded time is now finished…kaput…?

Wherever he is now, I hope he’s rockin’ it out hard.



At 12:45 PM, Blogger jo(e) said...

In the conservative Catholic community I grew up in, we young people adored Carlin for saying aloud what we would never dare say aloud at home.

It doesn't seem possible that he's dead.

At 2:10 PM, Blogger minijonb said...

i knew how to say fuck correctly in a sentence by the time i was in 1st grade because of G.C. and for that i thank him.

At 8:13 PM, Blogger meno said...

I use the term "tater tits" all the time because of George. He will be missed.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger jaded said...

I feel you, mona. He is one of my favorites. He kind of reminds me of my dad. I have my dad's mouth, much to my mother's dismay.

At 7:47 AM, Blogger gary rith said...

Party on George, party on....


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