Monday, January 08, 2007

A New Year...I'm Naked Under My Clothes

Slacker blogger, me.

But it was really delicious.

Happy New Year, BTW!

We had a total of 5 Christmases. FIVE. All the relatives (minus a couple siblings I'd really like to see), lots of food, too many gifts, a trip to a fabulous museum, a quiet New Years, three days of work last week, and back to "Normal" this week...the kids started school today, hubby and I are back to work on the old schedule.

My head is full of 'stuff' I wanted to post about during my, what, 2-plus weeks of non-blogging. I have several dozen posts lolling about in my head, that will probably never be posted because life. chugs. on...and there's always something more to say.

But I'll dump a few things on you, just for what-for.

1) My favorite gift this Christmas...this book.

2) Current food turn-on...roasted peppers, eggplant, and zucchini. (Hello, South Beach Diet? Yeah, I'm sold.)

3) Last CD purchased...this one.

4) New drugs...Fergon (iron) and Synthroid (stupid thyroid stupid thing)

5) Best news of the day...ophthalmologist today said in two months I can get the insane shunt outta my tear duct. Wear contacts again. Eye makeup. And can really rub the sleep out of my eye. I nearly hugged him.

6) Fantasy Desire...Mythbusters. See one naked. Or be one.

7) Real-life Desire...involves the bed and my man. Wait...flashback...second thought...don't need the bed...maybe the clothes dryer...yeah....

8) I really mean it...I missed you all. How are you?

9) I can't believe...I ate so much over the holidays that I made myself physically sick. Every damn day.

10) This year...I have no resolutions, but think it would be satisfying to write something bigger than a blog post by the end of the year. And find a voice for myself.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Coffee-Drinking Woman said...

I didn't really make any formal resolutions, either.

Glad you're back!

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Mother of Invention said...

Glad you ate as much as I did! Pay up time!

At 4:48 PM, Blogger meno said...

I am still eating.


Good news on the eye.

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see the grandfather from up north?

Did you eat fudge and snickerdoodles until you got the shakes? Oh wait, that was me.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Orange said...

Mmm, holiday goodies. I need to exercise it all off my abdomen now.

Hooray for eye-rubbing in March!

I never make New Year's resolutions. Nope, nope, nope.


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